Sing voice conversion (SVC) is to convert singing voice to our desired
There are three common SVC tasks:
Intra-singer conversion: To convert a singer's voice to a desired timbre
(eg: to a more beautiful voice).
Inter-singer conversion: To convert a singer's voice to another singers'
Cross-domain conversion: It means the source audio and target audio are from
different domains. For example, to convert a speech voice to singing voice.
Here I listed some SVC papers with non-parallel data. "Non-parallel" means that
we do not have the (source audio, target audio) pairs data. You can refer to this review to know more about it.
Paradigm of the conversion framework (Basics)
Xin Chen, et al. Singing Voice Conversion with Non-parallel Data. IEEE MIPR 2019.
Eliya Nachmani, et al. Unsupervised Singing Voice Conversion. InterSpeech 2019.
To model singer independent features
Zhonghao Li, et al. PPG-Based Singing Voice Conversion with Adversarial
Representation Learning. ICASSP 2021.
Jordi Bonada, et al. Semi-supervised Learning for Singing Synthesis Timbre. ICASSP
To model singer dependent features
Xu Li, et al. A Hierarchical Speaker Representation Framework for One-shot Singing
Voice Conversion. InterSpeech 2022.
To introduce singing voice domain knowledge
Chengqi Deng et al. PitchNet: Unsupervised Singing Voice Conversion with Pith
Adversarial Network. ICASSP 2020.
Haohan Guo et al. Improving Adversarial Waveform Generation Based Singing Voice
Conversion with Harmonic Signals. ICASSP 2022.
Tae-Woo Kim et al. Adversarial Multi-Task Learning for Disentangling Timbre and
Pitch in Singing Voice Synthesis. InterSpeech 2022.
In this tutorial, the provided WORLD-based SVC baseline is classic. To know more
about the contemporary SVC (such as using a neural vocoder and a stronger conversion
model), you can refer to my latest
All the source code of this baseline can be seen here.
What is WORLD?
WORLD [1] is a classical vocoder in Digital Signal Processing (DSP).
It supposes there are three acoustic components of an audio: Fundamental frequency (F0),
Spectral envelope (SP), and Aperiodic
parameter (AP). It can be considered not only an extractor, which can extract F0, SP,
and AP efficiently, but also a synthesizer, which can synthesis an audio by
the three.
Compared to the recent neural-based vocoders (such as WaveNet, WaveRNN, Hifi-GAN,
Diffwave, etc.),
WORLD is more like a white box and is more controllable and manipulable, while its
quality is worse. We can easily adjust the input parameters to change the synthesized
audios. For example, given such a male singing voice:
We can keep the F0 unchanged, and convert it to a robot-like voice:
Or, we can also increase the F0 two times, divide the SP by 1.2, and
convert it to a female-like voice:
The official code of WORLD has been released here. You can play it, and manipulate
the voice as you like!
The conversion framework of the figure above is proposed by [1].
There are two main
modules of
it, Content Extractor and Singer-specific Synthesizer. Given a source
firstly the Content Extractor is aim to extract content features (i.e.,
singer independent
features) from the audio. Then, the Singer-specific Synthesizer is
designed to
inject the singer dependent features for the synthesis, so that the target
audio can be able to capture the singer's characteristics.
The authors of [1] assume that among the three components of
WORLD (i.e., F0, AP, and SP), only SP is singer dependent and should be modeled by the
Singer-specific Synthesizer, while the other two can be
considered pure content features. Based on that, we can utilize the following two stages
to conduct any-to-one conversion:
Acoustics Mapping Training (Training Stage): This stage is to train the
mapping from the
content features (eg: PPG) to the target singer's acoustic features (eg: SP or
MCEP). The training model can be a neural network like Bi-LSTM [1].
Inference and Conversion (Conversion Stage): Given any source singer's audio,
firstly, extract its content features including F0, AP, and textual content
Then, use the model of training stage to infer the converted acoustic features (SP
or MCEP).
Finally, given F0, AP, and the converted SP, we
utilize WORLD as vocoder to synthesis the converted audio.
The experiment setting is many-to-one conversion. Specifically, we consider Opencpop
(which is a single singer dataset) as target singer and use M4Singer (which is a 19-singer
as source singers.
We adopt a python
wrapper of WORLD to extract F0, AP, and SP, and to synthesis audios. We use diffsptk to transform between SP
MCEP. We utilize the last layer encoder's output of Whisper as the content features
(which is 1024d). During training stage, we use a 6-layer Transformer to train the
features to 40d MCEP features.